CRS company was created and developped in Pesaro, the land of motors and champions!
The industrial zone of Montecchio, where you find the company, is one of the most modern in the surroundings. Arriving at CRS is very easy because of its closeness to the village and for its good road connections.

From the exit of the motorway A14 Pesaro –Urbino continue until you arrive at the roundabout ; take the second exit in the direction of Montefeltro. Continue straight on and pass straight through two further roundabouts, then turn to the left after some 1,5 km in the direction of “Strada del Foglia”. Continue for a KM and straight across another roundabout. Continue straight on Via Pantanelli and then on Via Toscana. At the roundabout take the second exit in the direction of Via Mazzini and contnue for 1 Km. Turn right at Via dell’Artigianato and after about 100 metres turn to the left. Here you are!!!
C.R.S. s.r.l. • Via Metugo, 160 • Fraz. Montevecchio • 61045 Pergola (PU)
VAT e Tax Code 01385150410
Tel. 0721/201223 • Mobile 335/6395935 • E-mail:
Tribunale di Pesaro n. 91404/1997 • Registro Ditte n. 136743
Data iscrizione 06/02/1977 • Capitale Sociale 26.000,00 €
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